Book Review: The Kinsey Corruption: An Expose on the Most Influential “Scientist” of our Time by Susan Brinkmann based on the book, Kinsey: Crimes and Consequences by Dr. Judith Reisman; Ascension Press, 2004; 83 pages.

Alfred Kinsey wrote two famous books: Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948) and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female (1952); written while he was a professor at Indiana University… He ‘was a practicing homosexual with a particular interest in young boys.’ (Pg 9)

He created a 350 question “sex history” and badgered and bullied people to obtain them. Then he used their answers as leverage against those who submitted them.
Kinsey coerced his staff and assistants to participate in sexually explicit films.

Flawed Research: No member of his staff was trained in statistics… One of his trusted ‘sex researchers’ was discovered to be a serial child rapist responsible for the rapes of more than 800 children…many of the men interviewed were child molesters obtained from prisons and pedophile organizations around the world… Many of the women interviewed were prostitutes…His flawed research was embraced and affected the US Penal Code causing a downward revision in the penalties imposed on sex offenders…

Kinsey’s view of rape: “Easily forgotten…the only difference between rape and a good time depends on whether the girl’s parents were awake when she finally came home…” His view on adultery: “…An experiment in adultery tends to confirm rather than disrupt marriage…” (Pg 19)

After Kinsey’s main financial backer backed off, PLAYBOY funded him in the 60’s.

The Kinsey Institute launched its own organization in 1964 called SIECUS (Sexuality Information and Education Council of the U.S. This organization is the primary source for Sex-Ed in public schools. Only Kinsey-trained teachers would be permitted in American schoolrooms (K-12) to develop ‘sexuality literacy’ (Pg. 22). Playboy funded our Sex-Ed classes! No wonder kids put condoms on bananas…

Good science presents a hypothesis, conducts the experiment, collects data, analyzes and then publishes results. To verify accuracy, the experiment should be repeatable. However, the Kinsey Institute REFUSES to allow anyone to see their ‘research’. Basically, a perverted professor enlisted other criminal perverts to describe their perversions. Kinsey wrote about it and under the guise of ‘science’ said this as normal… The media and society ‘bought the lie’ and thus, he has become one of the most influence ‘scientists’ in the last 70 years…

This was a simple, easy, short book to read. This is a ‘must read’ book for those involved in any kind of public debate with pagans or misinformed Christians on sexual issues. It provides the necessary counter arguments to discredit those who rely on Kinsey’s flawed research as their ‘science’.

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