This is a great article. It presents the dangers of internet porn. Great Statistics. Please take a few moments and read/ look at this article.
Ariel Castro recently hung himself, one month into the start of life prison terms. He had been charged with kidnapping, rape, murder and 900+ other charges for the kidnapping of 3 young women in the Cleveland, OH area. This radio spot looks at Castro’s statement before the Judge when he plead guilty to all the charges. It is a sad commentary on our culture. With the average age of looking at hard core pornography around TEN years, how many other Ariel Castro’s are being formed in our country and around the world? The common denominator in all these rapes and sexual assaults is PORN.
This is part 2 of 2. Taken from the excellent book: “The Porn Trap” by Larry and Wendy Maltz.
This is an interesting article linking male use of pornography and the rise of young women claiming to be lesbians. Several quotes stand out: “But I have to wonder: Are there so many girl-girl couples out there because that’s truly who they are – or because the guys are such losers?” The author is referring to men who encourage their girl friends to kiss other girls, and/or to men watching lesbian sexual contact through porn. This is another sad link to our cultural deterioration as a result of the porn industry.
In the Navy it is called Fraud, Waste and Abuse. Government employees, on government time, using government computers accessing a lot of porn. We desperately need revival in our country.
This story is amazing but sadly, not surprising. Porn and it’s pervasiveness has infiltrated our whole society. It distracts us, consuming our energies, our passions and steals all our productive time. As you can read from the article, what part did porn play in the recent financial collapse on Wall St?